Waterstone currently owe $8,400 in past quarterly assessments to the condo.
As you can see from the above Waterstone gets into a load of legal problems.
There are about 13 LLC's managed by the same group of people (O'Neal, Edwards, Gilliland) and 8-9 have Waterstone in their titles.
Here is yet another court case involving this same group:
5:09-cv-00277-RS-MD - BALLARD v. WATERSTONE RESORTS LLC - Date filed: 08/12/2009
Mark Ballard, a white male, senior maintenance worker for Waterstone Resorts, LLC of Destin, filed a civil action in Bay County Court on June 16, 2008, it was removed to Federal Court (Case No 09-277) on Aug 12th on Waterstone's application.
Ballard says in part that while in the employment of Waterstone he injured his back both in Feburary and March 2008, reported it, filed for Workman's Compensation and that he was subsequently fired both because he made claims for Workmans Compensation and partly due to age discrimination as he was replaced by a younger worker. An initial claim by Waterstone that he was fired 'for viewing pornography on company computers' was later replaced by the claim that his job was eliminated.
His Count 1 is for 'Age Discrimination' and Count 2 if for Violation of 440.205 "for retaliation after Plaintiff sought benefits under Chapter 440, Florida Statutes."